OTC Market In Poland, Central Europe and Cis Countries (Russia, Ukraine And Kazakhstan ) 2014-2019

on Thursday 18 June 2015
ResearchMoz.us includes new market research report " OTC Market In Poland, Central Europe and Cis Countries (Russia, Ukraine And Kazakhstan ) 2014: Industry Size, Shares, Growth, Analysis, Trends And Forecast" to its huge collection of research reports.

The report "OTC Market In Poland, Central Europe and Cis Countries (Russia, Ukraine And Kazakhstan ) 2014" provides a collection of historical data, offers current sales data for all key OTC product categories and includes forecasts for future development that have been prepared by PMR analysts with years of experience in the Polish pharmaceutical sector and the OTC market.

The report furnishes listings of the best-selling products in leading categories and provides profiles of the leading producers and manufacturers on this market. It describes them in terms of value, scope and prospects, and takes a look at market conditions that can potentially affect profit, such as regulatory issues, trends and macroeconomic influences.

This document also offers data describing current value and predicted growth for the market as well as well as details on the share of the pharmaceutical market in Poland occupied by OTC products. It explores the effects of various types of regulation of the manufacture, sale, labeling and advertising of over-the-counter medicines and dietary and nutritional supplements and scans the future for upcoming regulations to determine their potential effects on market development during the forecast period.

OTC Market In Poland, Central Europe and Cis Countries (Russia, Ukraine And Kazakhstan ) 2014, Development forecasts for 2014-2019 was compiled to meet the information needs of manufacturers, distributors and wholesale and retail sellers of this growing collection of medicinal and nutritional preparations available to Polish consumers without physician approval.  It also meets the information, data and forecast requirements of management and executive level personnel at companies that manufacture OTC preparations, wholesale distributors, Non-pharmacy and E-commerce distributors, industry analysts and business consultants and specialists in business and educational and research. 

Table of Content:-
  • Methodology
  • Executive summary
  • Overview of the OTC market in Poland 2008-2019
  • Largest manufacturers on the OTC marke
  • Rx-to-OTC and OTC-to-Rx switch strategies
  • Advertising of OTC products
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Legal environment
  • List of graphs
  • List of tables

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